Al Harkan's Blog
My Written Thoughts on Media, Technology, and Everything in Between
I made a search engine —that helps you find the best AI tools on the Internet, to prove a point: AI has now enabled everyone to build apps on their own.
The Quadrant of All Knowledge
Melihat realitas hanya dari satu sumbu, itu ibarat melihat hanya dengan satu mata. Bisa, tapi kita kehilangan kedalaman dan dimensinya. Karena pada dasarnya realitas itu kompleks dan utuh, tapi kita, melalui ilmu pengetahuan, yang mengotak-kotakkan.
Llama Science Creator
Back in September, I took a small leap and signed up for a hackathon. I’m no developer by trade, but that’s exactly why I did it.
Lunturnya Legacy Careers
Kalau talenta berbakat cuma terkonsentrasi di sektor tertentu, kita bisa tebak gimana akhir ceritanya. Pendidikan, hukum, dan politik jadi tak dipimpin oleh mereka yang terbaik. Kita mulai melihat gimana gejalanya. Semuanya jadi komoditas, bukan kapasitas.
Fake Startup Missions
We know startups don't sell their so-called social missions when they raise funds. Investors won't buy it. So why in every news appearance they always act like they're saving the world? We know it's about money. It's always about money.
Farewell, SEAtizen
“In the event I don’t make it back, I want you to know that you’ve been a real friend, R2. My best one, in fact."
On Career Decision
Being confident with our career of choice also means ignoring the noise of others. In a time when everybody is showing off what they’re doing, it is easy to lose ourselves. This is a reminder to rethink why we’re doing what we’re doing. Just so we can stay true to ourselves.
YouTube Shorts Problems
YouTube is the last major social media to let go of community-led content recommendation (Trending page) and joining TikTok’s short video format party. Like others, its contents now go fully personalized for the users —us.
Covid Positive
I’m a Covid survivor. These are some tweets from the days when I was in quarantine.
Ramadan 2021
“Unexpected, I did tarawih last night and suhoor on board a warship —my final day after 7-days sailing. That will be a story of its own, but I pray for this Ramadan to be a blessed one —where families are happy, and friends are healthy. Really hope this is the last time I read Ramadan & pandemic in the same sentence.”