Collection of Short Threads
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Open any tweet to read the full threads.Most of our parents gen didn't know the potential of the internet back in early 90s.,,The image of world-wide interconnected computers via hi-speed connection was hard to comprehend back when average PC was so slow.,,Now, the world & economy are inseparable from the internet.
— Al (@alhrkn) February 2, 2021
All the ideas that ever came to my mind but never to execute *easily a thread.,,1: Git for Academic Writing (Paper, Thesis, Dissertation, or any writing projects),,It's a bit crazy how it's not yet widely well-known in the academic community, esp. the social studies one.
— Al (@alhrkn) November 13, 2020
Okay, since I like to google things that seems trivial out of daily experiences *or just random thoughts, I'm starting a thread of those.
— Al (@alhrkn) September 23, 2020
Penasaran, gimana sih caranya suatu lembaga survei tuh bikin hasil survei biar 'sesuai pesanan'? e.g. calon X pingin keliatan leading elektabilitas.,,Mereka beneran survei, lalu analisisnya dikarang? Atau mereka memang sengaja picky di samplingnya sejak awal?,,Atau gimana?
— Al (@alhrkn) October 18, 2023