Business Lessons
Being a generalist can feel like a curse, being mediocre in many fields. The truth is, it is a blessing for an early founder, esp. the lone one. Being a generalist means you can save tons of outsourcing costs & work faster. That's the very least.
Why Your Art Sucks
What nobody tells people who are beginners is that all of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. And your taste is why your work dissappoints you.
Comedian & Dancer
Some people do enjoy anonymity, silence, or being present with themselves. It's okay doing what makes you happy without getting all the fame.
The Compounding Lesson
Probably that was one of my biggest regrets, understanding this as only a math concept in class, rather than its essence as a worldview. But normalizing to see our progress in life as non-linear, is seeing how the world works as it is.
Unknown Wiseman
Or maybe we need to stop the pressure that everyone needs to exist on social media —to build personal brand, etc. Some people just want to make a living the old school way, in the physical world, outside the internet (and the metaverse, for that matter).
Statistika Bahasa Indonesia
“Indonesia sangat kaya akan keragaman bahasa.” Iya, tapi seberapa kaya? Ini datanya.
100 Days of Code
Many principles from this study are super useful to implement outside the field of software development. So much so, it offers efficiency in delivering a great working product.
Argumentasi Omnibus Law
Isu pengesahan Omnibus Law Cipta Lapangan Kerja menjadi polemik besar dalam beberapa minggu terakhir. Saya berusaha mengindari arus untuk mengikuti dan memberi argumen, dan ingin memutuskan secara pribadi keberpihakan yang baik. Di sini saya mencoba melacak beberapa argumentasi Pemerintah atas proposal UU Cipta Lapangan Kerja —dari yang dikomunikasikan di media massa.
Data Science Fellowship
Selama 2 bulan masa lockdown dan #WorkFromHome ini, di samping pekerjaan mengajar, saya menyisihkan waktu untuk untuk belajar data science dengan mengikuti program Fellowship yang diselenggarakan oleh IYKRA. Saya membuat log belajar mingguan yang saya rupakan dalam tweet-tweet. Berisi cerita apa saja yang saya pelajari, pengalaman-pengalaman praktikum, juga curhat sana-sini. Berikut ini adalah untaian tweet-nya.
Corona & Teman-teman Saya
Teman-teman sebaya saya merentang dr mereka yg baru sarjana, kuliah juga, lulus S dua, bekerja/berusaha, juga yg baru membina keluarga. Buat sebagian besar dari demografi seperti mereka, urusan pandemi Corona ini jadi pukulan sejadi-jadinya.